Sunday, April 19, 2009

MBA(Healthcare Administration) is OVER

I gave my Thesis Viva today and realized immediately that after three years of balancing the professional, student and family lives(actually exactly in that order), its time to bid the STUDENT life Goodbye FINALLLLLLLLLYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
It has been a tough six months where all of the Batch actually felt that it was water over the nose level and wanted it to end desperately. We would soon have a Batch Party with family to celebrate this relief and would be now a MBA as soon as the results are out in June this year. This journey has given us good friends for life and also the tag that we all would need us as we strive for excellence in field of Healthcare Management.

Friday, April 3, 2009

English Movies

There are two kinds of English Movie lovers
(A) The first one are there in that cinema hall for either or all of the below reasons:
  1. It’s the fashionable outing as said by all their friends
  2. The corner seats of the empty hall does soothe their raging hormones
  3. It’s a bet with a friend that they would catch on to more dialogues than the competition
  4. Some friend said that there was a 'wonderful scene' after the interval
  5. It goes well with the aviator shades, Pulsar 220dtsi and the chick from college
  6. About to join a BPO
  7. Planning to get that H1B visa and need to be oriented with American culture in a hurry
  8. The stunts and VFX are cool enough to deserve spending 200 bucks, who cares about the storyline, direction and the acting.
  9. The girl crowd is better looking and adequately underdressed to attract them to the movies.
  10. Thank God the flowers dont lean on to each other to signify an intimate emotion and activity
(B) The second category
These are the true lovers of cinema and would even be willing to watch it alone if it takes to catch that flick. The kick they derive from films keeps them away from LSD, coke and fags, as their Ecstasy has reached its climax when the end credits are rolling out in that darkened theatre


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Revolutionary Road

Sam Mendes who has served us heady cocktails like American Beauty, Road to Perdition and others comes up with a corrosive rendition of the America in the 1950's with the Eisenhower era struggling with the the ever entangling fabric of marriage where the despair on the assembly line like workmanship was shredding the institution of marriage. Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet reunite after Titanic (that was ages ago) and their onscreen chemistry has not lost any of its sheen rather matured like old wine and is crackling throughout the film. This has to be one of Leo's most maturd performance and Kate sweeps through the film canvas with a towering performance with her expressions of despair saying more than a page of dialogues. They are a couple who marry after meeting in a club and soon realise that though they are considered special in the neighbourhood, he is working in the same organizations as his father which he wished would never happen while she is a failed actress. The fantasy of Paris providing them all they never had becomes more than a fleeting thought much to the ridicule of the people they know. The insane Michel Shannon serves as the sane voice of the room and is spot on with his observations which undress the shields worn by the characters around him. He has woven an unforgettable piece in the short but vivid screentime in the film. The director does justice to the book by the same name by Richard Yates on which it is based upon, with a constant undercurrent of disillusionment where the Wheelers look towards extramarital sex as a cure for their problems or atleast as a respite. The ordinary couple get crushed by the false image created by the people around them and let loose the inner demons on to each other. Kate gets pregnant which Leo, who has suddenly found a possible promotion round the corner in his job and is having second thoughts of going to Paris, even uses the pregnancy as a justification for not crossing the Atlantic. The most moving scene is Kate standing in her living room after a messed up attempt at an home abortion to get back at Leo. This bout between the two ends with a tragedy which was inevitable and you shall leave the theatre with a punch to the gut. The couple of intimate scenes are an expression of the coiled up emotions letting go in the sack and the fluctuating emotional fortunes of Kate are reminiscent of almost a Jack Nickolsonesque performance, only much less loud but still very effective. She thankfully won a Oscar this year for the Reader and is turning out to be top notch Actor with a tremendous long term heritage in the making. Sam has extracted the best out of his wife in the film and Leo has shades of a schoolboy refusing to grow up and unwilling to take the bull by the horns for which he pays dearly in the end.
If you are in the mood for a feel good light entertainment then please dont go down Revolutionary road but for a movie lover to the core with a strong gut and a heart do go down this road and you shall get a lot to chew upon and ponder about, and carry home three performances of memorable proportions.

Rating: ****